E Ink Extras

Find Your Way with Visionect

Written by Carolyn Tusinski | 2021-09-14

Personally, I need a lot of help finding my way around. I say that because it’s true and because I’m not the only one. I recently took a business trip to Las Vegas for a tradeshow and thought my head would explode.

We think about wayfinding usually in unfamiliar settings. That makes sense – I’m new here, where do I go? And we often associate wayfinding with transportation and outside signage – navigating highways and streets, identifying where to park, receiving traffic updates, locating specific buildings in a complex, finding our way at the airport or train station, and more.


Visionect Aurora


Interior wayfinding is just as important – huge and complex buildings like corporate headquarters and state offices, hospitals, seating area in an arena, hotel and hospitality venues, to name a few. Have you stood in front of a directory searching for the ‘You are Here’ icon – then try to navigate to a faraway office or store, only to get hopelessly turned around?


Help! Where am I?


Many locations require visitor check in. Visionect’s interconnected workplace management systems combine apps and hardware that are intuitive and very powerful. The coordinated system ensure there are no ‘blindspots’ where technology gaps and require a manual adjustment.

Visionect Interior Wayfinding - Plug and Play


In our current pandemic Part 2 environment, we need all the guidance we can find. We need to know where we’re going and where we can stand. Have you abandoned an errand because it was just too difficult to find your way? Most of us haven’t gotten out of our cars or physically shopped in months. I’m still amazed that groceries and meals will come to my door!


Joan Conference Room Assistant


E Ink’s partner Visionect has made great strides in all types of wayfinding and signage. The Joan Conference Assistant was my first experience with a dynamic, easy to read, easy to install and manage integrated system for conference room scheduling. We implemented the Joan units in our office, and it was a great success. There is so much information displayed on the unit. I can check conference room availability and book a room in real time without cracking open my laptop. That’s a huge advantage if the supply of conference rooms is limited. Seriously, who has too many conference rooms?


Visionect Incrediscope


Visionect describes the motivation to create these integrated systems. Partnering with E Ink provides the easy readability and long battery life with is the hallmark of the Visionect product line. The newest product in the Visionect stable is Incrediscope, which upgrades indoor navigation to another level. In cooperation with UniSystem, Incrediscope combines Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology with a mobile app and proximity detection to provide a customized wayfinding experience for each visitor. Can you imagine a personalized map program that will lead you directly to your destination? I just want to try this out!

A big thank you to Visionect for helping the directionally challenged like me navigate the big indoor world. You really get me.