E Ink Extras

E Ink Participates in Harvard Study on Blue Light Effects

Written by Carolyn Tusinski | 2023-03-21

What makes the sky blue? Same thing that can contribute to cataracts and other eye health issues – blue light wavelengths.

Pretty and dangerous - blue light
Image: E Ink white paper


What? Ok, it’s a simplification. The answer is eloquently explained in the newest white paper from E Ink – Digital Paper for Healthier Screen Time – released in conjunction with a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health. The study compares the adverse effects of blue light from displays. Consequently, the findings support the benefits of E Ink’s ePaper on eye health.

Confused? I understand. The study press release breaks it out:

The average adult spends about 13 hours per day behind a screen (per Nielsen)

Light presents in wavelengths – the blue light is hazardous and stresses the retina

The reflective nature of ePaper is much safer for the retina. Even the LED front light on most ePaper devices is less damaging than the LCD emissive light of other displays.


Adults spend over half a day staring at a screen
Image: E Ink white paper


The study compared ePaper devices with three different types of front lights – cold-white, warm-amber (settings can be adjusted in most ePaper devices), and ComfortGaze™ - newly available from E Ink. There were significant differences between the cool and warm LCDs. ComfortGaze™ was the game changer – it could be used longer without causing eye damage than either of the two other LED lighting.

Then there are the kids. COVID introduced remote learning to a younger group. In addition to schoolwork, kids are watching videos, gaming, and more on LCD screens. When did you get your first handheld LCD screen? Were you under the age of 10? Thought not. What is in store for their eye health in the future?


What's in store for their eye health?
Image: E Ink white paper


Light is complicated to describe – wavelengths, temperature, retinal stress/eye injury. To review it all here would be reiterating the study and the white paper.

Why is the sky blue? The blue is from the blue light wavelengths scattered by air molecules (page 2 of the white paper.


Who knew?