by Ursa Primozic / re-blogged from Visionect
Visionect-powered Soofa Signs are taking on public transporation in downtown Las Vegas, providing passenger and city information and running on the sunshine of Southern Nevada.
Developed by Soofa, a spin-off of the MIT Media Lab, Soofa Signs have already reinvented the Boston cityscape, with Soofa technology found in over 100 U.S. cities. Soofa Signs have now brought their paper-like feel and zero light pollution to the neon landscape of downtown Vegas.
Just installed at seven bus stops along Las Vegas’ Downtown Loop, the free shuttle bus servicing downtown attractions, the Soofa Signs—now featuring a bigger, 42-inch e-paper screen—will provide riders with real-time updates about when the next bus will arrive and other city-relevant content.
Meeting the city’s sustainability goals
Running entirely on solar power, the Soofa Signs are powered by Visionect’s advanced electronic paper technology, ensuring that as little energy is used as possible, 99% less than LCD or LED.
The technology aligns perfectly with Las Vegas’ energy-saving initiatives, said Las Vegas mayor Carolyn Goodman on unveiling the installation, with Las Vegas receiving 100 percent of the energy it needs from renewable sources.
The smart signs are part of a six-month pilot, with plans to scale the Soofa Sign network around the city later this year.