E Ink Extras

Recent Updates in the World of E Ink

Written by E Ink | 2021-07-30

If you’ve been following the E Ink team lately, you know that there’s been some exciting new updates in the world of electronic ink. From healthcare to education, our partners are on the cutting-edge of digital deployments around the world – take a look!



Image credit: Ricoh


RICOH - eWhiteboard 4200

It’s no secret that white boards are everywhere! From the classroom to the boardroom, we use these solutions to visualize information and brainstorm with our colleagues. With collaboration and sustainability in mind, our partner, RICOH, released the eWhiteboard 4200. While this device is only available in Japan, it’s portable anywhere on earth! You heard that right, RICOH created the world’s thinnest – 14.5 mm / 0.575 inches – and lightest – 5.9 kg / white board at just a bit over 13 lbs. Did we mention it’s also waterproof, dustproof and converts handwriting to text? We love a multi-use device you can take anywhere!


Image credit:  Soofa



Soofa - The Accessible Streets Studio

The Accessible Streets Studio is a program that targets a diverse set of problems innate to specific locations or industries by narrowing down a pool of applicant startup companies offering potential solutions. The cohort includes our partner Soofa, which builds solar-powered live transit-information signs with an E Ink display. As a part of the pilot program, Soofa will use information from the Detroit city department of transportation to provide real-time updates on transit and navigation. Can’t wait to see how Soofa signs make Detroit streets easier to navigate, both on foot and via public transit.


Image credit: Nuclera



Nuclera – Desktop Bioprinter

Picture this: a breakthrough tabletop device capable of synthesizing proteins and genes in a fraction of the time required for other conventional methods. No need to imagine, Nuclera is developing one as you read this! The bioprinter works through a combination of Nuclera’s proprietary biopolymer synthesis technology and digital microfluidic devices they just acquired from E Ink. This device will offer researchers significant improvement opportunities in health, agriculture, and other technology development of global importance.

Here at E Ink, we’re proud of the work our partners do to improve daily life for folks all over the world – can’t wait see what they do next!