E Ink Extras

Going Back to School with Healthier Screen Habits

Written by Brandon LaBelle | 2024-07-19

As the back-to-school season approaches, parents are gearing up to ensure their children have everything they need for a successful academic year. One crucial aspect often overlooked is the impact of screen time on children’s health. With the increasing reliance on digital devices for learning, it’s essential to make informed choices that promote healthier screen habits.

Understanding the Risks of Screen Time

Children today are true digital natives, growing up in a world where screens are an integral part of their daily lives. However, excessive screen time can have several negative effects, including:

Practical Tips for Healthier Screen Time

To mitigate these risks, parents can adopt practical strategies to make screen time healthier:

Why E Ink Matters

E Ink technology offers a paper-like reading experience that is gentle on the eyes. Devices with E Ink screens, such as eReaders, eNotes, and even smartphones, provide a healthier alternative to traditional screens. These devices reduce blue light exposure and enable longer, more comfortable screen time without eye strain.

As you prepare for the new school year, consider incorporating E Ink devices into your child’s learning routine. Not only will this promote healthier screen habits, but it will also enhance their overall learning experience. Let’s make this back-to-school season a step towards healthier and more productive screen time for our children.


Credit: E Ink