E Ink Extras

2020 Spurs Uptick in eReader Use & Virtual Book Clubs

Written by E Ink | 2020-12-14

2020 has been a challenge for us all, but it has also presented a rare opportunity to reset and reinvent the way we work and play. Technology has taken on an ever-important role in collaboration and socialization. Social distancing – while difficult – has given rise to new era of eReader adoption, as readers spend more time at home, and may not feel comfortable going into a physical location to select new books. With this has also come the rise of virtual book clubs – a new avenue of connection and community in a time when physical togetherness together may not be possible.

In fact, research conducted by proofreading service Global English Editing found that 35 percent of the world was reading more this year, with 14 percent of the world reading significantly more. Book and literature ecommerce sites saw nearly 1.5 billion visits globally just in the month of March, and physical book sales have declined in favor of eBooks. Virtual book clubs, offering the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and discuss the books we now have the time to read, have likewise gained popularity. In fact, in just the first two months of the pandemic, nearly 3000 of these book clubs formed on Zoom or Facebook Chat alone.

Wondering how you can hop on the train? We’ve rounded up our favorite eReaders below.

PocketBook Color

 If you’re looking for a cutting-edge eReader experience to display your favorite reads in all their glory, look no further than the PocketBook Color. The device uses E Ink Kaleido technology to display up to 4096 colors and PocketBook’s unique software puts users in control of brightness and color settings like contrast, gamma correction and saturation.

Amazon Kindle Oasis

 If you’re looking for a compact eReader with a fresh design, Amazon’s new Kindle Oasis may be the perfect fit, sporting a  seven-inch screen powered by E Ink Carta. It is slim, light, and ergonomically designed, with dedicated page turn buttons and adaptive front light for comfortable reading.


Kobo Forma

 The Kobo Forma display is designed with an eight-inch E Ink Carta ePaper display offering 1440 x 1920 resolution. Despite it having a slightly larger screen than the Kindle Oasis, it weighs it at a mere 197 grams. With waterproof reliability, the choice of landscape or portrait mode, and book-borrowing capabilities, the Kobo Forma is perfect for readers with a variety of preferences.

As COVID-19 continues to impact the way we live our lives, for better or worse, reading remains a safe hobby and eReader technology is a breath of fresh air for this long-appreciated art form. What will you read next?